#sorry my lore is restricted to the old anime
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likes-words-and-shrimp · 2 years ago
I feel like someone will fling ToS your way, so I'll say Trigun!
Trigun it is! (Also spoilers to anyone who hasn't seen at least the Trigun og anime so watch out!)
the first character i ever fell in love with:
I'll say this is Vash for me. He's a fun guy, he's sweet! I've only ever really seen the OG anime but the way he goes about his pacifism is really striking and also he is voiced by Johnny Young Bosch which is a plus.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
So I watched the OG anime but I actually just finished watching it a few months ago LOL. And I've only seen two episodes of Stampede. So I guess this question doesn't really apply. Haven't grown to dislike a once-liked character just yet.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Same as above, probably not long enough to experience this lol. But so far I'm fine with any ship.
my ultimate favorite character™:
I do just really like Vash!! Love and peace~ But also there's Milly, who is amazing. I hope Stampede will have her eventually.
prettiest character:
It Vash... That one episode where he grows out his long hair and is wearing suspenders and!!? That's a good one, I loved that look for him.
my most hated character:
Hm, unsure who I hate, and even the villains I like in their own awful ways. Maybe Legato because holy heck this dude is insane.
my OTP:
I don't really have one for this fandom but I've been leaning towards Vash/Meryl! But I also see the appeal of Vash/Wolfwood.
my NOTP:
Don't have one! Right now I'm good with anything.
favorite episode:
I actually really like that flashback episode of young Vash and Knives as kids and with Rem. I actually saw this one episode so many years back and I had NO idea what was even going on but it imprinted on me. First episode of OG anime is also just so very good?? Honestly love every part of that.
saddest death:
I FORGET THE GUY'S NAME (Oh it's Brad apparently!) but the guy from the grounded SEEDs ship who jumps in front of Vash to block gunshots from the girl who was a controlled puppet. This is more sad because of Vash's reaction to it, and the death itself felt unexpected? Idk it stuck with me.
OH YEAH AND WOLFWOOD I'm not sure why that didn't come up in my head first oops but him dying alone in that church,,, help.
favorite and least favorite season:
okay there's only been one season of the OG anime and I still need to see Stampede so I'll have to pass on this one.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
Don't have one I think. This can very well change later!
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
I do like Knives because there is something so deeply messed up about him. But I haven't seen him in Stampede yet so lol.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Milly deserves the world. Also Vash... Vash you go through so much god damn.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Don't really have one yet. I put in yet because I know Knives/Vash is a thing and I feel I'd be intrigued by it haha.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
I think Milly/Wolfwood is pretty cute??? I kinda forget about them a little but then I see art and, oh yeah, they had some fun moments! And then Wolfwood died :(
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followerofmercy · 12 days ago
Okay, so I'm not sure if when you tagged "what exactly is an Adeptus?" you meant it as a question, but you have triggered my trap card so I'll give you the shortest possible explanation. This will be a whole cutscene. Sorry. The main issue with EN players not getting what an Adeptus is, is that the translation followed the (dictionary) rules and called them Adepti instead of Immortal (which is the usual translation for fantasy stories and something that can be easily looked up by curious minds. Adeptus at best points you at Taoists). This was possibly chosen because someone thought the word Immortal would have people thinking about "can't die", since the actual lore of the word is missed on anyone that isn't into Chinese fantasy stories or at least folklore. So here is the lore: In Chinese folklore, an immortal is anything that has managed to overcome the concept of death. This can happen through a variety of ways including, but not restricted to: being extremely holy, making the right medicine, training so hard you get superpowers, and eating the right peach. But the point is that for most methods it takes a long time, more time than most humans have, even if they dedicate themselves to it (like Taoists). So a magical beast's body is more suited to immortality than a human one. Immortality also takes dedication and willingness to forgo the material world, which usually is conflated with isolation (and not eating or drinking mortal food). Mountains are both isolated and close to the heavens, so Immortals are frequently depicted as living in a mountain peak. Another characteristic of the Immortals is that they can work up to being a god by working in the Heavens (the celestial bureocracy with the Jade Emperor in his seat and the whole court working like the ideal court is very old folk religion.) These concepts are background to Chinese Fantasy the same way Arthurian fantasy and Tolkien are background to western fantasy. The same way it's possible to see a pointy-eared dude with a bow and think "elf", or a person in a shiny armour traveling alone and think "errant knight", the concept of Immortal is easily picked from "magical person in the mountains" and "attendants to the gods". In Genshin the Adepti are all originally magical beasts, which is why they have animal-like primal bodies, but have transcended that stage thausands of years ago (which is why calling Xianyun a bird is offensive). They already had elemental abilities before awakening a conscience, and probably cultivated their magical energy for a long time before achieving immortality. For a human to do the same thing they'd need magic (a Vision comes in handy) and a very long lifespan. Or the right medicine, which is where Baizhu puts his faith. There's more to it, mostly related to how Genshin dialogues with Chinese and Western fantasy through the concepts of magical beasts and god's attendants in different cultures, but also related to the demonic cultivation and the Abyss monsters. And the way it's painfully obvious that Celestia is empty because there are too little gods. But this is too long already. Again, sorry for the cutscene ^^
But yeah that's basically the impression I was getting! My biggest question is whether Adepti is for All Immortal type entities, or just ones aligned with Rex Lapis. Because they're pretty explicit that there were other gods that Rex Lapis killed, and they're usually not called Adepti, and then Changsheng fits the bill for being an Adeptus imo but I don't believe she's ever referred to herself as such (and appears to not directly answer to Rex Lapis or his will like the others do)
Regardless, from what you've said and my own interpretation, I don't think it's a particularly strict definition. There are many ways to be an Adeptus and I see a lot of people wank about nitpicking what can/can't be one and I'm like... that's not the pooooint al;sdfj
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rakassauce · 8 months ago
welcome, and howdy!!!
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yo, I'm raka. an artist who adores the scene subculture, anime/cartoons, and the old internet. been a while since i did an intro, and I don't particularly enjoy my current one. so, i thought i'd fix that!
but before i get into it, lemme begin with some ground rules:
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DNI if you are/support ANY of the following:
a proshipper/comshipper
a terf/truscum/transmed/transphobic in any way
anti-palestine (however, that doesn't give you the right to be an anti-semite, that shit ain't cool)
Are a pro-lifer, this is a pro-choice zone babie
a MAP/YAP, get that pedo shit outta here
a neo-nazi/on some type of white supremecist shit
a zoophile
...they gone now? yeah? cool, let's rock n' roll. (quick heads up for flashing blinkies/images, and eyestrain. that's gonna be a constant on this blog.)
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name: raka/alex/izzy
age: 17
DOB: 07/14/2007
pronouns: she/he/they
current hyperfixation: YU-GI-OH!!!!
favorite color: hot pink/red/neon green
favorite song: party like a millionaire - millionaires/i also like genres like rock, electronic, and pop
favorite games: sims (4 and 3), touhou project, legend of zelda
hobbies: scouring the internet, watching anime, drawing, spending time w/ my bf
favorite food: menudo!! my nanny (that's what I call my grandma ^^;) makes it for me occasionally and on my bday nearly every year
dislikes: assholes, unnecessary internet discourse, instagram comments, my horrible sleep schedule (help lol)
favorite movie(s): yugioh the movie: pyramid of light, bill and ted's excellent adventure, idle hands
likes: the night, old internet vibes, art, magical girls (SAILOR MOON), scene kid stuff
loves: my dad and my boyfriend!!!
rando facts: i'm half mexican :] i wanna learn more spanish to be in touch with my mom's side of the family. i've only ever finished one anime despite starting a few, and that would be Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. even though i'm on ep 27 of the 2003 version of FMA (it's on hold since it isn't my current fixation), i honestly prefer it. my favorite vocaloids are hatsune miku and kagamine rin and len)! now if we're talking utauloids: yokune ruko and kasane teto.
my tags:
#raka's sauce (my art)
#other people's awesome sauce (reblogged art)
#raka reblogs!
#raka's brain dump
#raka's cc finds!!
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so, i'm raka. i've lurked around the internet for a little while now--since I was about five. restricted internet access? don't know her. i only started really participating in online communities when i was about 10, on quotev and amino (rip, it was a shitshow but i had a good time for the most part). at some point i just kinda...fell off of trying to find internet spaces? it didn't really feel fun anymore, y'know? i went back to lurking, looking at stuff i enjoyed/making things in silence.
well, fuck that. if i wanna have fun, i'm gonna make it fun. i love drawing, i always have!! i've been drawing since i was about five or six. it's always been an escape for me during REALLY rough times--it made me happy to draw my favorite characters, and even create my own! i love interacting with fandom spaces too, finding folks who are into the same stuff i am. connecting with strangers is fun, when you don't really know anybody irl who shares your exact interests!
i wanna make/reblog fandom art on here, and maybe make moots/friends. i also have OCs i love and adore that i'd like to share--with lore, of course.
i hope y'all have a wonderful day or night!!! take care of yourselves!!!
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with all that said, blinkie/stamp dump time!!! a further insight of myself, if you will
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sources for a few stamps:
Mel-Rosey on Deviantart
StarriiChan on Deviantart
kas7ia on Deviantart
blinkies.cafe for blinkies
YukiMiyasawa on Deviantart | another stamp from them
hissatsugirl on Deviantart
Papikari on Deviantart
Magica-28 on Deviantart
RaptureCyner on Deviantart
and feel free to hmu on other things such as:
discord - rakassauce
spacehey (i need to finish up my profile :/ sorry for mess)
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ventrue-in-control · 2 years ago
Jackie Mczyne
since I never made one before cuz im bobo the fool
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Name: Jackie Emanual Abdul Mczyne Pronouns: he/him they/them age: 25 forverer but 70 in total (30-7) Nationality: British-Tanzanian Species: Vampire (VTM) Clan: Ventrue Sect: Camarilla Location: Andover (primarily) and Swindon (secondary) Personality: egotistical anarchistic idiot Partner: @misericorsalvator Sire: @keeper-of-lions Notes: This man is a germaphobe and has a bit of OCD. Also can NOT handle physical toutch what so ever. If he was a bird he would be an impundulu
There are no specific rules for interacting with my blog! Just dont be focking racist cuz ill feed your kidneys to the dogs
THINGS ARENT TAGGED SO BE WARNED OF GORE BLOOD AND WHAT HAVE YA NOT you can of course ask me to tag certain things I will appologize because I may very well forget orz plz do remind me.
More rambles under the cut off
You've unlocked the extra rambles! congrats! Im so sorry as this may just be incomprehensible
first of all Hi! Im birdy, 24 years old, a black trans animator from the netherlands. I do da drawing and da makin of da gaymes. I stream on twitch you are always free to reach out to me here in DM's or else on discord The-Nerdy-Birdy#0918 <- JUST BE AWARE I was terrible social anxiety and I may be slow to respond THAT'S NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU PLEASE KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU Im just silly :3 and have my moments. I promise ya tho I love to talk and ramble.
anyways, quick summary about jackie.
Jackie went through a lot in his living years! going through the 50s to the 80s as a black man in the uk certainly was something! He used to be a genuine sweet and caring kid and now he still cares but hes very jaded by the world. He used to be part of the british black panther party and he has many opinions bout stuff and politics! but he has quited down quite a bit after his embrace.
he has a bit of a shortfuse cuz folk keep threathening him and hurting him so he is quite defensive. sadly he does not have the brains to see yet that he himself also hurts people and he should be a bit nicer to folk sometimes!
He cares tons about his friends and those who he considers fam. he does not enjoy seeing folk get hurt but.... if push comes to shove he will always choose himself. hes all he has. and all he can rely on and nobody is worth destroying himself over. atleast he'd like to think that. he does however often finds himself choosing his friends over himself and he hates it.
EHHHH FASHION WISE. He basically runs a GIANT company called SALMON which both makes ready to wear as haute couture. he is not the sole designer of it al. but he is most well known. he is a bit of a control freak with his company (not much better outside it either) so he will pick up more work than he should resulting in him always stressing about something.
he has many other companies also and a whole buncha other lore PLEASE ASK ME BOUT ME BOI HE IS ALMOST 10 YEARS OLD AND HE MEANS A LOT TO ME.
Jackie is terrified of moths his handwriting is actually a perfect typewriter font he is really good at math! unlike me! cant see shit without his glasses was part of the british black panther movement HIS FEEDING RESTRICTION IS FOR ME TO KNOW AND YOU TO FIGURE OUT TEEHEE He wishes to become prince someday fave color is salmon of course.
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HIS COTERIE BTW HOW COULD I FORGET! He is actually from a still active chronicle! though I most things on dash arent like canon lol In order the characters are: Tommy Riley Jackie Ada and Chris. they all hate each other and they has an awful time together :)
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 years ago
Fic writer questions - 2 and 7 :-)
Ohhhhh, thank you, those are really something I like to talk about laughs
2 - Talk about a favorite comment you received.
For that one I might need to explain just the tiniest bit. „A change of color“, my current monster fic (read that as with „tumblr(affectionate“)^^) has a bit of a difficult set up, being a soul mate AU with one of the mated being there shortly after the birth of the other, with an age gap of 14 years.
I knew starting that fic that it would be difficult. It is part of why I couldn’t resist it^^. I also knew that for a lot of people the setup alone would be reason enough to give it a pass, because this kind of setup could, possibly, easily lead to a grooming tale. I have received hate on it based on the tags, too, by people obviously not bothering to read it. That was… something I didn’t hope for, but also kind of expected, given the state of purity policing that’s going round. So.
Somewhere, 100k down the road or so (it’s at 370k now, 260k posted and we’re still very far off where I want to be 🙈) I get a long comment, detailing how they thought this would be grooming, but for some reason they gave it a try, and then they inhaled it, and they love the style and… I’ve been blessed with several of these comments, now. Actually, I cannot possibly restrict the answer to this to this single comment, or this person (though it stuck with me, and I saved it and all :))) but I have been blessed, on this fic, to get dozens of these wonderful comments, and also comments that go over my fic and respond to what was written. In detail. Which is just incredible.
It’s a blessing.
7 - What do you love most about being a fic writer for your fandom?
Considering >you< asked this: hugs, you probably have noticed that I have switched fandoms :) It’s not that I do not like my old one anymore, but the stories I wanted to tell there… are told.
The new fandom is an anime fandom, and it comes with its own set of rules, and problems, but… the lore behind that anime and the canon possibilities, are immense. And I love Kakashi. Ahem.:)
Which once more doesn’t answer the question directly, sorry!! laughs But what I love most in this fandom, now is the possibilities. You can literally twist canon into anything. Space travel, time travel, aliens? Check. „Magic“ aka jutsus? Check. Difficult relationships, sacrifices, unrequited, unfulfilled love? Check. Pining, wars, betrayal, scientific experiments? Check. Modern technology mixed with a historical set up? Check. Body modifications, hard training, and the belief in those you love? Check. Porn insinuations and goofiness? Check. Obviously gay coded, and aromantic characters? Check. Too many relationship possibilities to build to count? Check.
I love it.
It broke my writer’s block and it’s been an ongoing obsession to write for it, something that has been keeping me sane during the last 1 1/2 years, with the pandemic, and people dying on me (not from covid, but…), and now the war…
So… What I love most about being a writer, I guess, in any fandom, is the ability to dream and think up my own version of what could happen within the context we are given.
Twisting canon to my will and escaping to it:))) I really love THAT.
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saltycharacters · 6 years ago
Oh dude, can you tell us more about the dude with the red hair and wraps around their arms? I forget their name, but I know they were in that one flipnote with that Ken Ashcorp song about dinosaurs
I know who you're talking about!! It's Uri, my good boy!! His hair is actually purple but obviously due to color restrictions on flipnote, i varied between red n blue because I wanted to keep the black outline and I couldn't do that if I wanted to make purple :^( but anyways!! Uri!!
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I'm actually really working hard to figure things out with him, because I can't quite get a personality/story that I'm 100% satisfied with, so what I'm telling here isn't True Final Canon per say. However, I'll tell you all the things I've thought of so far!
Uri is probably one of the characters that I hold closest to my heart. He's been through a lot of changes over the years, both in design and personality especially- We Absolutely Do Not Talk About Early Middle School Uri, everything about it was Attrocious. But now I love and cherish him a lot!! He's from the past, and his main deal is that he was basically frozen or something until he woke up again in the future, aka the current time that Destiny Plot takes place. As cheesy as that sounds, I mainly keep that idea so Uri is someone who would be close enough to the audience's cluelessness (if for example, I ever end up making a comic or show or whatever out of Destiny Plot) about the lore and functions of my character verse. Since it's not really based on anything easily recognizable, the audience would have a hard time figuring things out without verbal explanation- and Uri, who had lived with such an early and different style of living would need a lot explained to him, so he's sort of the spokesperson for the audience. Also, admittedly, I have a very hard time moving away from nostalgia and things that have always "been" a certain way, so I kind of cling to his old idea.
He's a lost general of the past, and that's a big deal as his "kingdom" actually values Generals more than their royalty. Long story short, they loved expanding their territory and the General was basically a celebraty 'cuz they helped do just that. Uri's dad actually wasn't born in the kingdom, but moved in and became the new general in a few years time. But he did more celebrating and boasting than any actual conquering, so the "royal general commitee" (basically the people who "trained" past generals from a young age and pulled the strings so that they were basically the ones in control) were super unhappy. Since Uri's dad not been conditioned since he was young by the comitee, they couldn't get him to do anything and so for years they were seething with rage while this big guy just bathed in his glory and hosted parties and did whatever. Uri's dad then had a son and managed to bribe the people counting the votes or whatever to get his son elected as the next General (because he liked getting what he wanted and wanted his son to be as adored as he was). What he didn't realize, however, was that they rewrote the rules to the General "Training" to be a lot harsher during his reign and he was then kept from his son like, almost until he died (he died before Uri hit 19).
So again, long story short Uri grew up isolated and heavily disciplined to become the new General, and he basically managed to outlive the dad he barely knew (probably assassinated so the committee could get their pawn in power asap) and so at 19 he became the celebrity basically ruler of an entire kingdom. And, impulsive, young and VERY eager to please, the first thing he did? Say publicly that he was going into the future so that he could take over all of the neighboring kingdoms then and ensure their reign lasted forever. Yes, that's basically what he said, and his buffoons of citizens were like Yea!!! Whatever the fuck he just said!! So, high off the attention he managed to bug some people to freeze him or something (still working that part out) and now he's in his future, alone, everyone he knew dead, with nothing with him 'scept his yoga pants and such.
I'm gonna try and wrap this up because I realize I already wrote so much, but he basically lived two months alone in the future surviving on scraps and then saw the Destiny Plot crew, and super lonely and sad and wanting attention (he craves positive attention a lot due to not getting any most of his life and being taught to please ppl all the time, so he seaks it out a lot in story), he basically used his weird illusion smoke (oh yeah he can make illusions for who knows what reason, but again it's something I don't want to get rid of due to nostalgia) to disguise himself as one of the characters that was out sick that day, desperately tried to act like them until they came back and were like "Um :^/ why's there two of me" and hid away in shame. But then Vixy found him and was like "Can you teach me how to become someone else like you did, asking for a friend and not because I want to be literally anyone else other than me? No? Well ok but you can still hang out with us" and he joined the group as himself and they became friends :^).
Gonna bullet point the rest to make it easier on y'all
-Mostly a goof, loves his friends and having fun
-activley seaks out attention from others, like i said, leads him to do drastic things at times
-Loves dressing fancy, fashionable
-Loves telling stories (can remember any fantasy or legend told to him but can't remember where he put something, an adhd mood)
-bunnies n rabbits favorite animal of all time, carries around small rabbit plush Vixy got for him
-has fear of cats
-6'4", a giant
-trans, ace (all of destiny plot cast is ace), autistic, has adhd, ocd, and a few other things
-CAN DO SICK FLIPS. Incredible acrobat, can climb Anything
-Vixy's bf!! They're the oldest couple I have
-Yuyo's principal Bruno is also from the past and he use to be one of Uri's mentors and the only one who ever treated him well, so he basically adopts him and becomes his new dad. Which isn't that far from the truth because he did use to date Uri's dad.
-Oh, and important! The frog in the picture is Ms, Glass, and uuuh she's a frog that lives in his throat and basically allows him to imitate anyone's voice. It helps him not have voice dysphoria and it also helps him imitate anyone while in disguise, so that becomes real useful in a bunch of situations.
Sorry for the long read, thank you for the ask!!! :"^)
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isei-silva · 7 years ago
I love jed'hin and spent so many hours browsing through all your tags about lore! do you have any other draenei lorecrafts or sports! thanks!
I do!
As with any fan-made sport or headcanon of mine they are not something to be followed to the letter at all times. Jed’hin has a wide variation of rules and exceptions so that almost anyone can participate! It’s about having fun!
I do have a second sport called “Gunjika” that also tried to incorporate in-game with my friends and guild but had less success due its difficulty in translating it to current game mechanics. It was too FPS dependent.
Gunjika is a festival race involving a team of four individuals dressed elaborately in their team colors and theme, usually involving a kilt and body paint. The centerpiece  of the team is a talbuk also colored and elaborately decorated. The talbuk is blindfolded and wears a strong harness, two lead ropes are held by two draenei, standing on either side of the front of the talbuk (usually by the neck or head). The other two draenei are on either side at the rear of the talbuk (usually by the flank).
The draenei must lead their talbuk in a run to the finish line without any of them letting go, or getting their hands off, of the animal. The difficulty comes in that a blindfolded talbuk will be skittish and stubborn, making the race tricky at best and even a little bit dangerous (watch out for bites and kicks). Some talbuk can even break free and run off! The lead draenei at the front guide the animal, and the draenei at the rear keep the talbuk steady. Usually the strongest draenei are at the front, and the fastest draenei at the rear since they can recuperate faster from the occasional kick they’d have to dodge, but any combination is up to the team itself. Any number of teams can participate, there’s been record from two to up to fourteen teams racing at once.
Keep in mind that in order for a team to win they MUST cross the finish line with all draenei holding on to the talbuk. You can imagine how crazy it can get with some tripping or losing their grip and their team must stop a freaked out talbuk to wait for them to catch up and then keep on running.
Gunjika started out as a competition between talbuk herders to test their animals’ temperament (blindfold) and speed (race), and quickly gained popularity throughout Draenor.
Credit to @rurukatt (and sorry for posting old art lol) of a Gunjika participant and a team talbuk!
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Further Notes on Gunjika
Gunjika (ghun-jee-kah)
Gunjika is an equestrian (caprarian?) sport, involving teams of four draenei leading talbuk over a set distance for competition.
The team runs in their own particular colors and are free to decorate themselves and their talbuk however they want.
There is not gender restriction; males and females can participate.
Age restrictions, however, are applied. Only elder adolescents and adults are allowed to run.
Gunjika can be held at any type of festival or event, though the biggest races are once every four years to coincide the age limit of the talbuks allowed to race.
The team consists of four draenei. Two at the front, holding a lead line, and two at the back (left lead, right lead; left rear, right rear).
The two lead draenei guide and pull the talbuk. The two at the rear, push and steady the talbuk. Usually the stronger draenei are placed at the front and the fastest ones at the back, though the team is allowed to make their own working combinations.
The team must work together to keep the talbuk controlled since the animal can, and will, run faster than them.
All four draenei must have contact with the talbuk throughout most of the race and across the finish line to consider it a valid run.
Traditionally, the talbuk are bred and raced by their owners of any of the large breeding stables throughout Draenor, though particular participation (of both draenei and talbuk) is allowed; this has allowed many friends and families with no herding relation to join in the races together.
Decorations can be sparse or abundant, but the talbuk MUST be blindfolded for, and throughout, the run.
The talbuk cannot be older than four years or younger than two, and must have never had prior extended exposure to handling.
The winning talbuk is usually considered a prized animal and the team decides on whether to keep, sell, or gift it.
The same talbuk cannot enter the races twice. Once a talbuk makes the run, win or lose, it is retired from Gunjika. This is to prevent the talbuks from “learning” and giving the team an advantage.
More on the sport in the tags here! Hope you like it!
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cacophonouscatharsis · 6 years ago
DM’s Log #5.1: The big day is tomorrow! Also lore
Tomorrow is the big day, the first session where we’re actually playing my campaign! I’m super excited! Originally I was worried because I didn’t exactly have a whole lot planned, but I did a huge time crunch tonight and I got some maps done, definitely enough to span a full 3 hour session! Now that I actually have the monster manual on me it’s so much easier compared to when I didn’t have it. Before I had to homebrew everything and I didn’t even think to have ability modifiers or anything so I kinda winged it or just didn’t bother. Now I have everything on paper right in front of me in detail ugh it takes a big load off my shoulders. I’m also not restricting myself to a bit outline either. The first time I DMed I had this big summary of the campaign and what I wanted the players to do and go. I gave the party a big objective right off the bat and it culminated in banishing a god which was pretty over the top for first level honestly.
This time I’m dialing it back, giving the players more breathing room and choice in what they want to do. I don’t have an outline, just sort of a basic idea of what’ll happen in my head. Which I know probably doesn’t sound good but I also don’t want to be forced to look back at notes and revise them and shit. Maybe I’ll start doing that down the road when I actually have to remember shit the players have done, but for now it’s not something I need to worry about. Anyway now I’m just worried I’m making my encounters too hard for my players. Especially this short dungeon I made that’ll lead them to a prophecy that will foreshadow things much later down the line. I put several thugs, animated armors, and even a Helmed Horror at the very end as a sort of boss. I think the players will be okay though, after all it’ll be the four of them versus the one boss, so as long as they didn’t take too many hits from the previous enemies it should be a challenging but overall not life threatening battle.
Also I figure this is probably the best time to start posting some lore about the world of Lhorvash and its four continents! I’ll have some drawings I’ve made of them below. They ain’t good but they do the job
Lhorvash is a world that is caught in a cycle. The drive for war is built into the very heart of the world and it’s inhabitants, and if this war is not carried on a regular basis, the world will be purged and reborn anew. All life will be reset and begin to create civilizations once more. However some species have an unexplained innate ability to live on through this process. Dragons, Giants, and select few Animalfolk from Midoraka are able to live through one or even multiple cycles. In the most recent cycle, what most historians believe to be the third iteration of the world, dragons ruled for several thousands of years. However a species only known today as the Progenitors, rose up and drove them to near extinction using strange yet powerful weapons. After that they ruled Lhavosh with impunity. That is until one day, they all mysteriously vanished, and in their wake they left a cataclysm that split the once giant continent into four smaller ones. The only thing that remains of their legacy are massive stone superstructures beneath the earth.
Of the four continents on Lhorvash, Vuusrin is the most diverse, in virtually every way. Ethnically, politically, and also in terms of landscape. It has also been at constant war, it’s once lush forests cut down and used to forge great siege weapons. Only once has a single civilization came close to ruling the entirety of the land. At its most powerful moment, its king stood upon the tallest tower in all of Lhorvash, and called to the gods to grant him strength. Strength enough to conquer all he could see. In that very moment his entire country, which had occupied land from one end of Vuusrin to the other, was suddenly broken apart and submerged beneath the waves. The castle and the tower the king stood upon was made the epicenter of what is now known at the divide. This epicenter is a massive whirlpool that devours any ship that dares get too close. The reason for this catastrophe is only explained in legends, by the most commonly believed one is the gods struck the king down for his arrogance, as an example to the rest of mortalkind.
Lork is the largest continent out of the four, and is also the harshest. Most of the land is a barren desert. A massive rock worm named Kavkor stalks anything foolish enough to roam above ground in large groups. On top of that one of the last living dragons, Adramorgeth the Everlasting, patrols the sky, routinely perched upon its mountain, Charred Rock. The only civilizations that have a chance of surviving are those that are built deep underground. These subterranean metropolises are inhabited mostly by Dragonborn,Draconians, and more recently, Tieflings. However these people do not have the luxury to pick and choose who they share space with. The only thing that matters to them is if you can prove your worth and earn your keep.
Midoraka is a mysterious country, ruled today primarily by elves. A strange aura that surrounds the land boosts the power of all forms of magic. However due to the potential for mages to gain untold amounts of power within the boundaries of the continent, strict laws are placed upon its citizens, and those wishing to take up the arcane arts much first acquire a government issued license to perform magic. This also opens them up to routine inspection by the military police, which does not require a notice beforehand nor a warrant. The government is controlled by a council of individuals voted in by the many lords of Midoraka. Before this council system became a reality, the land was ruled by the Erna Empire. Back then the Elves were at their strongest, due to two powerful allies. The Animalfolk in the north, and the Tieflings to the south. This peace did not last forever, and without warning the Empress Imbryl Erna ordered for all Tieflings within her borders to be immediately slaughtered. Most of the military followed their orders, and got to work exterminating all Tieflings they could find. The walls of the city of Zithrindar became a prison for the victims, as the military burned it to the ground. The few that managed to survive fled to the nearby continent of Lork, and luckily for them the indigenous Dragonborn welcomed them in to their fold. A select few military generals rebelled against the empire, and shortly after the massacre committed a coup d'é-tat. The Empress was publicly before her once loyal people, and those that followed her heinous order were imprisoned for life. For the elves transgressions, the Animalfolk retreated into the Ancestral Forest, never to be seen again.
Depending on who you ask Borshaub is even more dangerous than Lork. If the Remorhaz and Frost Giants don’t kill you, the blistering cold surely will. Only the hardy Dwarves and Orcs, as well as the crafty Gnomes have managed to make a home here. However none of them are willing to venture further north, into the land known only as the Great Freeze. A land of never ending blizzards, where any mere mortal creature will freeze to death in minutes. Separating this frozen wasteland from the rest of Borshaub are the Walls of Hesret. Four barriers that connect mountain ranges on either side, made of stone lined with sacred runes. They’re believed to have been built by the Progenitors thousands of years ago, what their ultimate function is though, no one can be certain. The walls are carefully maintained by both the dwarves and gnomes, who are part of an uneasy alliance. Said alliance formed due to the Orc Rebellion that took place twenty years ago. The gnomes considered the Deadlands to be a part of their territory, and began to venture east of the Shivering Chasm. The Orc tribes had been at constant war with one another ever since there was more than one tribe, leading the gnomes to thinking it would be an easy victory against a fragmented opponent. The Orcs don’t go down easy though, and before a war could break out, Brakuung the Mighty defeated every other orc chieftain in single combat, proclaiming himself to be the Godchief of all Orcs. for just less than a year, the thirteen tribes were united under a single banner, and went to war against the would be gnomish invaders. It would have been a total massacre, if the Dwarves had not intervened. They knew if Brakuung was allowed to live, he would lead his armies further west and conquer their kingdom as well. They made a hasty alliance with the gnomes, less to help them, and more to save themselves. After months of seemingly endless carnage, the newly formed Alliance was able to incapacitate the Godchief and his only son Virmalk. He was beheaded before his own people, and his eight year old child was stripped of his tusks. The tusks of an Orc are considered sacred, and if they are removed in any way that does not involve combat, it is seen as a disgrace. What remained of Virmalk’s tusks were soaked in an acidic substance created by the gnomes, preventing them from ever growing back. He was banished back to the Deadlands, to live on as an example for the rest of his kind of what happens when you rise up against the Alliance.
Sorry for clogging up your dash with my lore. I’ll put out another DM’s Log summarizing the events of our first real session. See you then!
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